Welcome to St Thomas More Catholic Academy

Welcome to our website.

Our Motto is “Aspire to be More” which encompasses our aspirations for all our students within our school and recognises our patron St Thomas More.  As a Catholic school, we offer an education firmly based upon our Gospel values and our Mission statement puts ‘our community’ at the heart of all we do.

The entire school community is very proud of the OFSTED inspection outcome in October 2022 which rated the school as a Good school.

Our Ethos and Values

As a Catholic school, we offer an education firmly based upon our Gospel Values, and our Mission Statement puts these at the heart of all we do. These permeate school life and we focus on the following three values in school: Faith, Excellence and Respect

Our school ethos is built upon these values to create a happy and aspirational learning environment where every student can thrive.

Our Mission Statement encompasses our vision for St Thomas More Catholic Academy.

Christ is at the heart of our community, where everyone is known and loved.

February Events

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Governor of the Bank of England Visits STMCA

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